Nikto Web-scanner is a open source web-server scanner which can be used to scan the web-servers for malicious programs and files. Nikto can be used to scan the outdated versions of programs too. Nikto will provide us a quick and easy scan to find out the dangerous files and programs in server, At the end of scan result with a log file. Using nikto we can scan http, https, httpd traffics too.
To run the Nikto we don’t need any hard resource using software’s, If our server installed with Perl it’s fine to run the nikto. It’s available for every Operating systems such as Linux, Unix like RedHat, Centos, Debian, Ubuntu, Solaris, BackTrack, MacOSX. Supports SSL, http proxy, Scan multiple ports on a server, Check for outdated server components etc.. We can get the output of result in following formats TXT, CSV, HTML, XML.
Newly released version of Nikto Web scanner:
Nikto released it’s version 2.1.5 in 2012 but it’s under updates for each and every new vulnerabilities till date.
vulnerabilities Database:
We can find each and every vulnerabilities database in following URL.
My Environment Setup:
- Hostname :
- IP address :
- Operating system : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Run the following commands to check the hostname, IP address, and OS version.
ifconfig | grep inet
lsb_release -a
Step by Step Installation
First we need to download and install nikto web scanner from Official website.
Let we download the package which in .bz2 or gz format using wget in our production server.
Step 1: Download the package
tar -zxvf nikto-2.1.5.tar.gz
Step 3: Navigate to the home directory
Then move the extracted nikto package to /usr/local/bin/:
cd ~
sudo cp -apvf nikto-2.1.5/* /usr/local/bin/
ls -l /usr/local/bin/

* Nikto config file need to be in /etc/, But now it’s currently under /usr/local/bin/ While having a look into conf we can find that nikto will skip the scan for ports 21 & 111, And from were it want to download it’s update and much more.
sudo vim /usr/local/bin/nikto-2.1.5/nikto.conf
Step 4: Creating Symlink & Permission.
Now we need to create a symlink for our conf file to /etc/ because nikto look for conf file under /etc/. Then make our nikto script as executable using chmod.
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/nikto.conf /etc/nikto.conf
ls -l /etc/nikto.conf
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/
ls -l /usr/local/bin/
Step 5: Update the nikto Database.
Before performing any scan we need to update the nikto database packages using.
/usr/local/bin/ -update -list-plugins // To list the installed plugins //
Step 6: Scan for vulnerabilities:
To Scan for a website using hostname we can use the option -h followed by niktop command. -h // To scan a website // -h -p 80,443

While scanning for vulnerabilities we can see the process, If we need to see the live process we need to use option Display. -D v -h
- -D = Display
- v = Verbose
- -h = hostname
Scan Only using specific check using tuning option:
While Tuning options used we can specify which test need to made, Using x option we can exclude the tests which we don’t need.
Below Options are available for specific scan’s.
Below Options are available for specific scan’s.
0 – File Upload
1 – Interesting File // we will get in logs
2 – Misconfiguration / Default File
3 – Information Disclosure
4 – Injection (XSS/Script/HTML)
5 – Remote File Retrieval – Inside Web Root
6 – Denial of Service // Scan for DDOS
7 – Remote File Retrieval – Server Wide
8 – Command Execution // Remote Shell
9 – SQL Injection // Scan for mysql vulnerabilities
a – Authentication Bypass
b – Software Identification
c – Remote Source Inclusion
x – Reverse Tuning Options
Now here let me scan for SQL vulnerabilities for a website. A single test will finish in short time if we not specified for a single scan it will take the full scan and take hours to complete.
Now here let me scan for SQL vulnerabilities for a website. A single test will finish in short time if we not specified for a single scan it will take the full scan and take hours to complete. -Tuning 9 -h -Tuning 69 -h
Scan and save the result to a file using below command to find the vulnerabilities. -Display V -o nikto_scan_result.html -Format html -h

That’s it, Here we have seen how to protect our website from several vulnerabilities. To know the up to date vulnerabilities we need to keep the nikto package update before scanning.
- Home page :
- Documentation :
- Development :
To those who searching for web scanner nikto will be one of powerful tool to end your web scanner search. Hope this will will bring you a good idea to scan vulnerbalites for you site even your site are well harden in several settings.
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