First of all create a file with name "
tlbExcelView.php" in '
protected/components/widgets' folder with the below bold content copied
* @author Nikola Kostadinov
* @license MIT License
* @version 0.3
* @link
* @fork 0.33ab
* @forkversion 1.1
* @author A. Bennouna
* @organization
* @license MIT License
* @link
/* Usage :
$this->widget('application.components.widgets.tlbExcelView', array(
'id' => 'some-grid',
'dataProvider' => $model->search(),
'grid_mode' => $production, // Same usage as EExcelView v0.33
//'template' => "{summary}\n{items}\n{exportbuttons}\n{pager}",
'title' => 'Some title - ' . date('d-m-Y - H-i-s'),
'creator' => 'Your Name',
'subject' => mb_convert_encoding('Something important with a date in French: ' . utf8_encode(strftime('%e %B %Y')), 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8'),
'description' => mb_convert_encoding('Etat de production généré à la demande par l\'administrateur (some text in French).', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8'),
'lastModifiedBy' => 'Some Name',
'sheetTitle' => 'Report on ' . date('m-d-Y H-i'),
'keywords' => '',
'category' => '',
'landscapeDisplay' => true, // Default: false
'A4' => true, // Default: false - ie : Letter (PHPExcel default)
'RTL' => false, // Default: false
'pageFooterText' => '&RThis is page no. &P of &N pages', // Default: '&RPage &P of &N'
'automaticSum' => true, // Default: false
'decimalSeparator' => ',', // Default: '.'
'thousandsSeparator' => '.', // Default: ','
//'displayZeros' => false,
//'zeroPlaceholder' => '-',
'sumLabel' => 'Column totals:', // Default: 'Totals'
'borderColor' => '00FF00', // Default: '000000'
'bgColor' => 'FFFF00', // Default: 'FFFFFF'
'textColor' => 'FF0000', // Default: '000000'
'rowHeight' => 45, // Default: 15
'headerBorderColor' => 'FF0000', // Default: '000000'
'headerBgColor' => 'CCCCCC', // Default: 'CCCCCC'
'headerTextColor' => '0000FF', // Default: '000000'
'headerHeight' => 10, // Default: 20
'footerBorderColor' => '0000FF', // Default: '000000'
'footerBgColor' => '00FFCC', // Default: 'FFFFCC'
'footerTextColor' => 'FF00FF', // Default: '0000FF'
'footerHeight' => 50, // Default: 20
'columns' => $grid // an array of your CGridColumns
)); */
class tlbExcelView extends CGridView
//the PHPExcel object
public $libPath = 'ext.phpexcel.Classes.PHPExcel'; //the path to the PHP excel lib
public static $objPHPExcel = null;
public static $activeSheet = null;
//Document properties
public $creator = 'Nikola Kostadinov';
public $title = null;
public $subject = 'Subject';
public $description = '';
public $category = '';
public $lastModifiedBy = 'A. Bennouna';
public $keywords = '';
public $sheetTitle = '';
public $legal = 'PHPExcel generator - EExcelView Yii extension - Adaptation by A. Bennouna';
public $landscapeDisplay = false;
public $A4 = false;
public $RTL = false;
public $pageFooterText = '&RPage &P of &N';
public $autoWidth = true;
public $exportType = 'Excel5';
public $disablePaging = true;
public $filename = null; //export FileName
public $stream = true; //stream to browser
public $grid_mode = 'grid'; //Whether to display grid ot export it to selected format. Possible values(grid, export)
public $grid_mode_var = 'grid_mode'; //GET var for the grid mode
public $automaticSum = false;
public $sumLabel = 'Totals';
public $decimalSeparator = '.';
public $thousandsSeparator = ',';
public $displayZeros = false;
public $zeroPlaceholder = '-';
public $border_style;
public $borderColor = '000000';
public $bgColor = 'FFFFFF';
public $textColor = '000000';
public $rowHeight = 15;
public $headerBorderColor = '000000';
public $headerBgColor = 'CCCCCC';
public $headerTextColor = '000000';
public $headerHeight = 20;
public $footerBorderColor = '000000';
public $footerBgColor = 'FFFFCC';
public $footerTextColor = '0000FF';
public $footerHeight = 20;
public static $fill_solid;
public static $papersize_A4;
public static $orientation_landscape;
public static $horizontal_center;
public static $horizontal_right;
public static $vertical_center;
public static $style = array();
public static $headerStyle = array();
public static $footerStyle = array();
public static $summableColumns = array();
//buttons config
public $exportButtonsCSS = 'summary';
public $exportButtons = array('Excel2007');
public $exportText = 'Export to: ';
public $onRenderHeaderCell = null;
public $onRenderDataCell = null;
public $onRenderFooterCell = null;
//mime types used for streaming
public $mimeTypes = array(
'Excel5' => array(
'Excel2007' => array(
'PDF' =>array(
'HTML' =>array(
'CSV' =>array(
public function init()
if (isset($_GET[$this->grid_mode_var])) {
$this->grid_mode = $_GET[$this->grid_mode_var];
if (isset($_GET['exportType'])) {
$this->exportType = $_GET['exportType'];
$lib = Yii::getPathOfAlias($this->libPath).'.php';
if (($this->grid_mode == 'export') && (!file_exists($lib))) {
$this->grid_mode = 'grid';
Yii::log("PHP Excel lib not found($lib). Export disabled !", CLogger::LEVEL_WARNING, 'EExcelview');
if ($this->grid_mode == 'export') {
if (!isset($this->title)) {
$this->title = Yii::app()->getController()->getPageTitle();
//Autoload fix
Yii::import($this->libPath, true);
// Get here some PHPExcel constants in order to use them elsewhere
self::$papersize_A4 = PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup::PAPERSIZE_A4;
self::$orientation_landscape = PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE;
self::$fill_solid = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID;
if (!isset($this->border_style)) {
$this->border_style = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN;
self::$horizontal_center = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER;
self::$horizontal_right = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_RIGHT;
self::$vertical_center = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER;
// Creating a workbook
self::$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
self::$activeSheet = self::$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
// Set some basic document properties
if ($this->landscapeDisplay) {
if ($this->A4) {
if ($this->RTL) {
->setDescription($this->description . ' // ' . $this->legal)
// Initialize styles that will be used later
self::$style = array(
'borders' => array(
'allborders' => array(
'style' => $this->border_style,
'color' => array('rgb' => $this->borderColor),
'fill' => array(
'type' => self::$fill_solid,
'color' => array('rgb' => $this->bgColor),
'font' => array(
//'bold' => false,
'color' => array('rgb' => $this->textColor),
self::$headerStyle = array(
'borders' => array(
'allborders' => array(
'style' => $this->border_style,
'color' => array('rgb' => $this->headerBorderColor),
'fill' => array(
'type' => self::$fill_solid,
'color' => array('rgb' => $this->headerBgColor),
'font' => array(
'bold' => true,
'color' => array('rgb' => $this->headerTextColor),
self::$footerStyle = array(
'borders' => array(
'allborders' => array(
'style' => $this->border_style,
'color' => array('rgb' => $this->footerBorderColor),
'fill' => array(
'type' => self::$fill_solid,
'color' => array('rgb' => $this->footerBgColor),
'font' => array(
'bold' => true,
'color' => array('rgb' => $this->footerTextColor),
} else {
public function renderHeader()
$a = 0;
foreach ($this->columns as $column) {
$a = $a + 1;
if ($column instanceof CButtonColumn) {
$head = $column->header;
} else if (($column->header === null) && ($column->name !== null)) {
if($column->grid->dataProvider instanceof CActiveDataProvider) {
$head = $column->grid->dataProvider->model->getAttributeLabel($column->name);
} else {
$head = $column->name;
} else {
$head =trim($column->header)!=='' ? $column->header : $column->grid->blankDisplay;
$cell = self::$activeSheet->setCellValue($this->columnName($a) . '1', $head, true);
if (is_callable($this->onRenderHeaderCell)) {
call_user_func_array($this->onRenderHeaderCell, array($cell, $head));
// Format the header row
$header = self::$activeSheet->getStyle($this->columnName(1) . '1:' . $this->columnName($a) . '1');
public function renderBody()
if ($this->disablePaging) {
//if needed disable paging to export all data
$this->dataProvider->pagination = false;
$data = $this->dataProvider->getData();
$n = count($data);
if ($n > 0) {
for ($row = 0; $row < $n; ++$row) {
return $n;
public function renderRow($row)
$data = $this->dataProvider->getData();
$a = 0;
foreach ($this->columns as $n => $column) {
if ($column instanceof CLinkColumn) {
if ($column->labelExpression !== null) {
$value = $column->evaluateExpression($column->labelExpression, array('data' => $data[$row], 'row' => $row));
} else {
$value = $column->label;
} else if ($column instanceof CButtonColumn) {
$value = ""; //Dont know what to do with buttons
} else if ($column->value !== null) {
$value = $this->evaluateExpression($column->value, array('data' => $data[$row]));
} else if ($column->name !== null) {
//$value = $data[$row][$column->name];
$value = CHtml::value($data[$row], $column->name);
$value = $value === null ? "" : $column->grid->getFormatter()->format($value, 'raw');
// Check if the cell value is a number, then format it accordingly
// May be improved notably by exposing the formats as public
// May be usable only for French-style number formatting ?
if (preg_match("/^[0-9]*\\" . $this->thousandsSeparator . "[0-9]*\\" . $this->decimalSeparator . "[0-9]*$/", strip_tags($value))) {
$content = str_replace($this->decimalSeparator, '.', str_replace($this->thousandsSeparator, '', strip_tags($value)));
$format = '#\.##0.00';
} else if (preg_match("/^[0-9]*\\" . $this->decimalSeparator . "[0-9]*$/", strip_tags($value))) {
$content = str_replace($this->decimalSeparator, '.', strip_tags($value));
$format = '0.00';
} else if (!$this->displayZeros && ((strip_tags($value) === '0') || (strip_tags($value) === $this->zeroPlaceholder))) {
$content = $this->zeroPlaceholder;
self::$activeSheet->getStyle($this->columnName($a) . ($row + 2))->getAlignment()->setHorizontal(self::$horizontal_right);
$format = '0.00';
} else {
$content = strip_tags($value);
$format = null;
$cell = self::$activeSheet->setCellValue($this->columnName($a) . ($row + 2), $content, true);
// Format each cell's number - if any
if (!is_null($format)) {
self::$summableColumns[$a] = $a;
self::$activeSheet->getStyle($this->columnName($a) . ($row + 2))->getNumberFormat()->setFormatCode($format);
if(is_callable($this->onRenderDataCell)) {
call_user_func_array($this->onRenderDataCell, array($cell, $data[$row], $value));
// Format the row globally
$renderedRow = self::$activeSheet->getStyle('A' . ($row + 2) . ':' . $this->columnName($a) . ($row + 2));
self::$activeSheet->getRowDimension($row + 2)->setRowHeight($this->rowHeight);
public function renderFooter($row)
$a = 0;
foreach ($this->columns as $n => $column) {
$a = $a + 1;
if ($column->footer) {
$footer = trim($column->footer) !== '' ? $column->footer : $column->grid->blankDisplay;
$cell = self::$activeSheet->setCellValue($this->columnName($a) . ($row + 2), $footer, true);
if(is_callable($this->onRenderFooterCell)) {
call_user_func_array($this->onRenderFooterCell, array($cell, $footer));
} else if ($this->automaticSum && in_array($a, self::$summableColumns)) {
// We want to render automatic sums in the footer if no footer was already present in the grid
$cell = self::$activeSheet->setCellValue($this->columnName($a) . ($row + 2), '=SUM(' . $this->columnName($a) . '2:' . $this->columnName($a) . ($row + 1) . ')', true);
$sum = self::$activeSheet->getCell($this->columnName($a) . ($row + 2))->getCalculatedValue();
if ($sum < 1000) {
$format = '0.00';
} else if ($sum < 1000000) {
$format = '#\.##0.00';
} else {
$format = '#\.###\.##0.00';
// We won't set the whole row's borders and number format, so proceed with each cell individually
self::$activeSheet->getStyle($this->columnName($a) . ($row + 2))
if(is_callable($this->onRenderFooterCell)) {
call_user_func_array($this->onRenderFooterCell, array($cell, $footer));
// Add a label before the first summable column (supposing it's not the first…)
if (current(self::$summableColumns) == $a) {
$cell = self::$activeSheet->setCellValue($this->columnName($a - 1) . ($row + 2), $this->sumLabel, true);
self::$activeSheet->getStyle($this->columnName($a - 1) . ($row + 2))
->applyFromArray(array('font' => array('bold' => true)))
if(is_callable($this->onRenderFooterCell)) {
call_user_func_array($this->onRenderFooterCell, array($cell, $footer));
// Some global formatting for the footer in case of automatic sum
if ($this->automaticSum) {
self::$activeSheet->getStyle('A' . ($row + 2) . ':' . $this->columnName($a) . ($row + 2))->getAlignment()->setVertical(self::$vertical_center);
self::$activeSheet->getRowDimension($row + 2)->setRowHeight($this->footerHeight);
public function run()
if ($this->grid_mode == 'export') {
$row = $this->renderBody();
//set auto width
if ($this->autoWidth) {
foreach ($this->columns as $n => $column) {
$cell = self::$activeSheet->getColumnDimension($this->columnName($n + 1))->setAutoSize(true);
// Set some additional properties
->setOddHeader('&C' . $this->sheetTitle)
->setOddFooter('&L&B' . self::$objPHPExcel->getProperties()->getTitle() . $this->pageFooterText);
->setPrintArea('A1:' . $this->columnName(count($this->columns)) . ($row + 2))
//create writer for saving
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter(self::$objPHPExcel, $this->exportType);
if (!$this->stream) {
} else {
//output to browser
if(!$this->filename) {
$this->filename = $this->title;
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Pragma: public');
header('Content-type: '.$this->mimeTypes[$this->exportType]['Content-type']);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $this->filename . '.' . $this->mimeTypes[$this->exportType]['extension'] . '"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');
} else {
* Returns the corresponding Excel column.(Abdul Rehman from yii forum)
* @param int $index
* @return string
public function columnName($index)
if (($index >= 0) && ($index < 26)) {
return chr(ord('A') + $index);
} else if ($index > 25) {
return ($this->columnName($index / 26)) . ($this->columnName($index%26 + 1));
} else {
throw new Exception("Invalid Column # " . ($index + 1));
public function renderExportButtons()
foreach ($this->exportButtons as $key => $button) {
$item = is_array($button) ? CMap::mergeArray($this->mimeTypes[$key], $button) : $this->mimeTypes[$button];
$type = is_array($button) ? $key : $button;
$url = parse_url(Yii::app()->request->requestUri);
//$content[] = CHtml::link($item['caption'], '?'.$url['query'].'exportType='.$type.'&'.$this->grid_mode_var.'=export');
if (key_exists('query', $url)) {
$content[] = CHtml::link($item['caption'], '?' . $url['query'] . '&exportType=' . $type . '&' . $this->grid_mode_var . '=export');
} else {
$content[] = CHtml::link($item['caption'], '?exportType=' . $type . '&' . $this->grid_mode_var . '=export');
if ($content) {
echo CHtml::tag('div', array('class' => $this->exportButtonsCSS), $this->exportText.implode(', ', $content));
* Performs cleaning on mutliple levels.
* From le_top @
private static function cleanOutput()
for ($level = ob_get_level(); $level > 0; --$level) {
Now in our controller in admin action modify the code as follows, the bold font code is related to excel generation where as Italic font is related to search filters persistence even after the form submitted.
public function actionAdmin()
$model=new Demomodel('search');
$model->unsetAttributes(); // clear any default values
$searchParams = Yii::app()->user->getState('DemomodelSearchParams');
$model->attributes = $searchParams; // This maintains the search result
if(isset($_GET['export'])){ // here is our excel code
$production = 'export';
'production' => $production,
Now in View i.e., in admin.php :
First of all register a client script, already there is some code exists for admin.php view in register script add the below bold font lines to the script.
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('search', "
window.location = '". $this->createUrl('admin'). "' +
$(this).parents('form').serialize() + '&export=true';
return false;
return false;
$('.search-form form').submit(function(){
$('#Demomodel-grid').yiiGridView('update', {
data: $(this).serialize()
return false;
after that add the export excel button to the form using the below statement
<?php echo CHtml::button(Yii::t('app', 'Export to Excel (xls)'), array('id' => 'exportToExcel')); ?>
Now the CgridView to be changed as follows in our case lets consider our demo model has 3 fields id,name,office and gender. now the grid to be defined as follows , the new lines are showed in bold font. Here we are taking gender as drop down to recollect previous post, However by defining drop down in only view will not work, have to define in model, that is explained in previous post.
// changed from zii.widgets.grid.CGridView'
'id' => 'demomodel',
'dataProvider' => $model->search(),
=> $model,
'grid_mode' => $production, // Same usage as EExcelView v0.33
//'template' => "{summary}\n{items}\n{exportbuttons}\n{pager}",
title' => 'ExcelSheetName_' . date('d_m_Y_His'),
// sheet name to be defined here we have taken date,month,year with time to make sure no overriding
creator' => 'Organization name ',
/* 'subject' => mb_convert_encoding('Something important with a date in French: ' . utf8_encode(strftime('%e %B %Y')), 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8'),
'description' => mb_convert_encoding('Etat de production généré à la demande par l\'administrateur (some text in French).', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8'), */
// 'lastModifiedBy' => 'Some Name',
sheetTitle' => 'Report on ' . date('d-M-Y H-i'),
'keywords' => '',
'category' => '',
'landscapeDisplay' => true, // Default: false
'A4' => true, // Default: false - ie : Letter (PHPExcel default)
'RTL' => false, // Default: false - since v1.1
'pageFooterText' => '&RThis is page no. &P of &N pages', // Default: '&RPage &P of &N'
'automaticSum' => false, // Default: false
'decimalSeparator' => '.', // Default: '.'
'thousandsSeparator' => ',', // Default: ','
//'displayZeros' => false,
//'zeroPlaceholder' => '-',
// 'sumLabel' => 'Column totals:', // Default: 'Totals'
'borderColor' => '00FF00', // Default: '000000'
'bgColor' => 'FFFFFF', // Default: 'FFFFFF'
'textColor' => '000000', // Default: '000000'
'rowHeight' => 45, // Default: 15
'headerBorderColor' => 'FF0000', // Default: '000000'
'headerBgColor' => 'CCCCCC', // Default: 'CCCCCC'
'headerTextColor' => '0000FF', // Default: '000000'
'headerHeight' => 20, // Default: 20
'footerBorderColor' => '0000FF', // Default: '000000'
'footerBgColor' => '00FFCC', // Default: 'FFFFCC'
'footerTextColor' => 'FF00FF', // Default: '0000FF'
'footerHeight' => 50, // Default: 20
'columns' => array(
)); ?>
Finally, don't miss to give the permissions to all files in case of linux machines. Now the excel generations completed. Play as you want :)